The Berdals

Entrepreneurs, Dreamers, Adventure-seekers

In 2007 we fell in love in a coffee shop in February, got engaged in the rain in a train in May and married in a rain storm in  August. Many thought we were crazy, we just knew we were crazy in love.

This site may be mostly about me (Karin) and my musings, but the journey of personal growth, entrepreneurship and life wouldn’t be where it is without the story of us.  Read more on us HERE.

Knowledge seeker, avid outdoorsman, deep thinker, able, giving, driven, calm, complex. Dan is a true creative at heart and thrives best when he’s able to get outdoors and appreciate nature.


Fast-friend maker, dreamer, creative thinker, party planner, big hug giver, loud, lover of life. Karin is most alive when she’s with people, planning the next adventure or eating new foods. 

We are living in hope and trusting in what God promises in the book of Jeremiah:

“I have plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for.”

Meet Karin:

Battling perfectionism, depression, infertility & doubt.

Those four areas: perfectionism, depression, infertility & doubt. They are my nemeses – my pitfalls, stumbling blocks.
As we hang out here more together you’ll see these themes shine through. Maybe you’re here because you can relate – so let’s journey together in seeking wholeness, wellness and new wisdom each day.

 Self-proclaimed queen of living room dance parties – believing that any song is an opportunity to move and express yourself in ways only dance can – shake on friends!

When I was in 4th grade I got my first (own, not family) pet. It was a guinea pig name Mr. Fuzzy and he would sit on the couch and watch Home Improvement with me – a legit favorite memory!

3 + 15 =

Don’t be a stranger!

I’d love to hear from you! Questions, comments, thoughts, collabs and more – let’s be friends!