
In 2018 I dove head first into the Enneagram. At that time our marriage was in a brutal season and everything was coming to a head. Enter: the Enneagram. It brought us healing, peace, understanding and so much more…

This page is a great place to start for getting to know a bit more about the Enneagram, what it is, resources for learning more and checking out more content.

What is the Enneagram?

As a former-avid Myers-Briggs fanatic, when I finally dove in the Enneagram, I quickly realized why it’s *so* different.  The main thing? GROWTH. The Enneagram is an instructive tool that can help you mature and reach into the person you were created to be, not just tell you where you are right now.  Curious? Click the button below to take the test or read on to learn more!

Highlights of the Enneagram

The world has a way of telling us who it thinks we should be – but the Enneagram reveals to us who God CREATED us to be.  More than just a personality test to compartmentalize you into being one set thing, the Enneagram gives you a PATH to health, healing and wholeness. 

In their own way, each number uniquely confronts each of the these topics…


Our number is often best understood by how we are motivated or by what our deepest desires are.


Every number has a fear and these fears are what we avoid and try to prevent from happening.


Also often referred to as weakness, passion or sin – each number resonates with a unique inner struggle.


Every type as a different inner longing or truth that they are yearning to hear and truly believe. 

Resources for Learning

Taking the and Enneagram test is a great place to start

Reach out!
Use the form at the bottom of this page to contact me and let’s start chatting about your Enneagram Qs!

The Road Back to You
This is a GREAT book for getting started and learning more about the Enneagram, each type as well as diving in to the finer points.

TypologyEnneagram & Coffee and the Enneagram episodes on Sleeping at Last are great places to start! 

Dive deeper into the Enneagram with the funny, engaging, frank take on the Enneagram!

Keep reading from the blog

COMING SOON! Join me as I explore the Enneagram on the blog! 

11 + 7 =

Don’t be a stranger!

The world has a way of telling us who it thinks we should be – but the Enneagram reveals to us who God CREATED us to be.  More than just a personality test to compartmentalize you into being one set thing, the Enneagram gives you a PATH to health, healing and wholeness.