We’re so glad you found our site! We’re Dan and Karin (or, DnK as duo name for the last 10 years)

The Fox and the Hound. Strawberry and Basil. Chandler and Monica. Ice cream in Winter. All dynamic duos. Many things go well in pairs you know. We think that’s us too. It’s funny how different we are – yet – we work so well together. Our story is swift – we fell in love in a coffee shop in February, got engaged in the rain in a train in June and married in a rainstorm in August. Many thought we were crazy, we just knew we were crazy in love.
We’ve been photographers and entrepreneurs for the vast majority of our 10 year marriage – allowing us to travel the country, see amazing sites and learn many lessons.

We also have 2 fur babies – Moses and Maizy! They are 9 years old Pit/Weimaraner mixes
Moses is a cuddly lap dog and Maizy is still her playful puppy self!
Why live(in)valor?
Definition of valor
: strength of mind or spirit that enables a person to encounter danger with firmness : personal bravery
After years of being professional photographer and entrepreneurs with 10 start ups under our belt, we knew it was time for a change. Not a move, or an entirely different job – just a different way of thinking. Doing. LIVING.
You see – we’ve spent the last 10 years living year by year. We’ve always be fortunate to have our bills paid plus have the ability to travel – but we wanted more than just a vision of this year into the next. We needed to set our sites HIGHER. Bigger. BOLDER.
(in)VALOR. Bravery. Boldness in the belief that we can and will achieve great things when we set our sights high enough.
Albeit, starting this new adventure might not seem dangerous, not physically anyways. But we need to step out of the danger of not fulfilling what we were sent to this world to do! We need to walk boldly in the gifts God has given use and use those talents for the betterment of this world.
If we can’t do that, then what are we doing?

So what’s next?
Recently, I sat down to write out each and every business we’ve tried… To date – we’ve had 10 business/startups. DnK Photography was the first and we knew early on it wouldn’t be the last. Now, not everyone got off the ground – but each of them did/does represent a part of us in some way. When Dan saw this, his comment was, “Well that’s embarrassing”
But is it? In 10 years, 10 “start ups”
That’s 10 dreams pursued to some extent. Yes, some made it further than others. Some have registered LLCs and accounts. Some were thought up over late night conversations with friends that grew into research, testing, logo making, website development and more. But why did most of them “fail”?
For some it could be lack of time/energy spent. Others the timing or market just wasn’t right. But there were actually a few that were pursued for years and had a lot of time, money and other expenses put into them… but just didn’t pan out.
But honestly, I look at that list and I am proud. I see dreams pursued, not dreams failed.
Far better it to have tried then not tried at all <3

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