When I’m ready

I don’t really take a lot of selfies (for a variety of reasons) but mainly because when I try, I delete 99% of the pictures I take and never post one anyways.
Because it’s never perfect. My nose looks funny or my skin looks bad. My hair is out of place or I don’t look “natural” enough (What’s natural about a selfie though? Contorting your arm and hand to not awkwardly be in the way? I digress)
In life, and especially in new adventures, we have to be prepared that things won’t be perfect and go the way we think it should…
To get ready you floss your teeth for the first time this year, then brush, examine criticize those pearly whites and head off for the dentist. If you’re like me – you dread it, but go anyways.
Even though you’re going to the dentist and they are going to do all that for you anyways, you still clean up before you go.
If you do some searching, you could find thousands of sermons about not needing to do this before coming to Jesus and asking forgiveness. Not needing to clean up your act before showing up and taking responsibility for your actions.
There are countless metaphors and examples of this and going after your goals is another.
Earlier this year on one of our road trips we “read” (aka, listened to on Audible) the book Shoe Dog by Phil Knight.
He created an empire and I would guess most of you would know the company behind that slogan up above before recognizing Phil Knight.
Well – he created Nike. He’s the man (well, one of many people) behind the legendary workout mega line.
Was Phil ready to start Nike when he did?
HECK no.
He dove IN. And dove in big. (I highly recommend reading his book, btw, so I won’t spoil too much, but let’s be honest, we know where his journey goes!)
Phil was young, inexperienced and did not have everything together when he started a trip around the world in 1962 after graduating with his MBA. What was supposed to be a trip/vacation turned into the launching of Blue Ribbon Sports when he shook hands with the leaders of Tiger (a brand of running shoes) to be their western US distributor.
He didn’t even really own or have a company yet, he flew by the seat of his pants and believed deep down that he could be the best distributor of Tiger shoes in America.
So what do you “need” to clean up or perfect before you dive in? Whether you’re trying to start a new business or just share your love of cooking or singing, why haven’t you started yet?
You’re saving up for a better camera to record your videos.
You’re waiting to by business cards because your sales skills aren’t where they should be.
Your kitchen needs a remodel so once you have money and put in that new counter then you’ll start snapping away.
Starting is one of the hardest parts! So JUST DO IT.
Just jump in and start. It doesn’t have to be perfect – I promise. Not ready to share it with the world yet? FINE. But at least make that video or practice your sales pitch on your most trusted friend.
Tomorrow won’t wait – it’s coming, I promise. You might as well take that first step today so you can take the second one tomorrow.

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