In my previous post – Overhaul – I talked about needing to radically change (ehem – okay, just implement) a morning routine.
So I started reading the book, “The Miracle Morning”
I’m just 5 chapters in (out of 16 – it’s a quick, short read) and just amazed at how awesome, simple and TOTALLY in doubt I am of this book 😉 Kind of ironic, right? It’s an awesome  book that promises great results and I’m finding myself COMPLETELY not buying it.
Limiting Beliefs
First – I’d love to start by saying you should immediately stop reading this and go buy the book, Miracle Morning, in any form (Audible, Kindle, paperback, you name it!)
Hold up… Didn’t I just tell you I’m not buying into what he’s saying though?
Yes… Yes I did say that…
I will admit that the way he write makes it sound “too good to be true” but let’s be honest. He’s not selling anything (that I know of) He’s not trying to get you to buy into some program for a ridiculous fee per month – so why am I doubting his declaration of goodness that can come from this book?
It’s me.
I’m not buying into ME. Â I’m not buying that I’M worthy of the goodness he writes about that can come from having a great morning routine.
Reality Check. We’re not doing so great… In his book, Hal points out that:
-Physically – the average person is exhausted and overweight.
-Mentally –  More and more prescription drugs are hitting the market for mental or emotional illnesses.
-Relationally – 50% of marriages end in divorce
-Financially – Americans have more debt than ever
So what are my LIMITING BELIEFS in myself that make me feel I’m not WORTHY or CAPABLE?
For me? It’s that I don’t believe I am
In my opinion? They stem from the lies of the devil wanting me to feel so deeply all of those things listed above that I just don’t even try.
I can’t possibly get up at 5 or 6am everyday to have a better routine? I’m not disciplined enough.
Even if I wake up that early, I’ll still fail because I’ll get distracted because I’m just an unfocused person and alway will be.
But guess what?
I’m sick of treating myself is such a degrading, down-trodden manner. Â It’s time to start speaking LIFE into ourselves and our futures. It’s time to break free from the lies and choose to believe the opposite of what we’ve been told our whole lives.
I would love to read this book and journey to more productive, personally-developing, life giving mornings with you. Â The paperback copy is only $8.99 on Amazon. Â If that’s a barrier for you, send me a message and I’ll get one to you.
You ARE worth it. You ARE capable. Â You ARE wonderful, amazing and made for something so very unique in this world. I can’t WAIT to see what you accomplish <3
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