We used Hypnobabies self-hypnosis for our preparation and birthing time. Some of the words used will be different from what they’re typically called, so here is a list of terms and their more conventional use:
Birthing Time = Labor Pre-Birthing Waves = Braxton Hicks Contractions Birthing Waves = Contractions
Discomfort = Pain Giving Birth = Delivery Transformation = Transition
Why the different terms? We spent months preparing using these words and Hypnobabies tools to help reframe how we see and anticipate birth. By rewriting the script for how we perceive the birthing process and truly focus on the positive (as well as using the self-hypnosis tools we learned) we were able to have a very unique and positive birthing experience!

Wednesday, November 30th 2019
It was just before 4am when I woke up to find our Birthing Time had begun! For weeks I had been experiencing Pre-Birthing Waves and instantly knew that these were different…
First an hour went by, in which I got some work done ; ) haha – then 3, then 5 – it was around 9 or 10 am that it was starting to sink in – THIS IS IT! They were only getting stronger and more consistent – even though for those first few hours I kept doubting it was REALLY time and just assuming they would go away at any moment.
There were a few other promising signs that this was starting to go somewhere so around 2pm our amazing Doula Anne came to be with us. At this point Birthing Waves were around 5-6 minutes apart. Anne sat with me and we chatted about things for awhile and then around dinnertime she left to get some food and give me a break to focus some more.
At this point I’m not sure how far apart Birthing Waves were, but I was certainly in the zone. Deep in my self-hypnosis, Dan and Anne kept feeding me positive words/phrases and sustenance (apples, water, etc) I believe it was around 8pm when Dan called our Doctor’s office and lucky for us – Dr Chow was on call! We were all so excited that we were going to be able to give birth with Dr Chow!
Unfortunately Dr Chow let us know that Abbott (the hospital we would be going to with him) was on divert (full and/or understaffed) and wasn’t taking new birthing moms. They would be reevaluating in 3 hours so we decided we’d hold out at the house so we could hopefully meet Dr Chow there (his can also deliver babies at Fairview, but we aren’t covered there) While we waited, Dan looked up to confirm which hospital we could go to – just in case.
3 hours later… Still on divert – so we got in the cars and headed off to Maple Grove Hospital… We had neve set foot there, had no Doctors lined up, weren’t registered and I was about 20 hours into Birth Time at this point – so it felt like this babe should come SOON!
Thursday, October 31st 2019
We arrived at Maple Grove Hospital around midnight on Halloween – looks like we would have a Halloween baby after all! After intake we got settled in our room which was sizeable and also had a big bathroom with a nice birthing tub!
This whole day (literal 24 hours) is mostly a blur to me… What I do remember is a mix of time in the tub (twice) and lots of various positioning attempts to get the baby lower, more engaged in the correct position.
By early late morning progress was still quite slow (only at a 5 – this was the first time I was told about where we were at/lack of progression) and we decided to start the pitocin drip to enhance the Birthing Waves. I wasn’t overly happy about this step, but seeing as though we were over 30 hours into our Birthing Time and we were all rather tired, it was the right move given the lack of progress.

Shortly after Dan and I got into the tub and the discomfort of back labor really picked up. Even with all my Hypnobabies tools I was really spent and needed respite. (at one point in time I remember wanting to crawl out of the tub and thinking I would just go home – because everything would be fine at home – lol)
It was at this point (2pm – 34 hours into our Birthing Time) where we decided an epidural would be helpful for rest, relaxation and hopefully help my cervix chill out and open up some more! Once the epidural was successfully placed I laid down and baby went into distress and the heart rate dropped into the 60s.
The pitocin+epidural mix allowed progression to 7cm so they continued to slowly up the pitocin. By around 5:30 the baby went into distress again and they pulled in the Dr to break the water and place a scalp electrode to better monitor the heart rate of baby.
With the pitocin off we did more positions for optimal baby alignment. A few hours later they turned the pitocin back on and within 3 hours the baby went into distress for the third time and it was clear baby wasn’t handling the later stages of birth well.

At this point now 44 hours in, the Dr officially recommended a C-Section as the baby wasn’t tolerating the progression of our birthing time. We agreed and they got us moving in that direction – quickly!
A very kind anesthesiologist came to talk through the procedure as the nurses got me prepped. We were very grateful that Anne was able to be in the OR with us as she was the one constant throughout our pregnancy and Birthing Time.
Although it wasn’t an emergency C-section, it all did happen rather fast – before I knew it, I was being wheeled out the room, leaving Dan and Anne to gather our things and get ready themselves.
The time of being gone from Dan and being prepped in the OR was a bit surreal. I had my Birthing Time playlist going in my ears and continued to just breathe deep and soak in the truths I was hearing in the songs.
Just as Lauren Daigle’s song, Rescue was playing I felt waves of peace come over me – which was very needed…
You see – I felt rather disappointed in finding myself in an operating room. We had worked SO hard to fully prepare for a natural birth and I was just exhausted, tired and frustrated.
“I will send out an army to find you
In the middle of the darkest night
It’s true, I will rescue you
I will never stop marching to reach you
In the middle of the hardest fight
It’s true, I will rescue you”
As a tear started pouring out of my left eye I felt a hand grasp mine, assuming it was Dan’s I opened my eye, and there she was – our amazing Doctor. I truly believe God sent her to us, or us to her at Maple Grove Hospital.

We spent weeks searching for a new OB right at the beginning of our 3rd trimester when we risked out of Midwife care and we fell in love with Dr Chow at Diamonds. Thanks to a few rather not great experiences at other clinics/Drs I had resigned myself to whomever we’d get at MGH – so having Dr Zhang be SO sweet, understanding, supportive and gentle was the exact gift we needed.
I know God is always our true rescuer, and I believe He used Dr Jenny as a tool for helping me on this journey – and I am so grateful.
Friday, November 1st, 2019
“How are you doing? Is there anything I can get you? Dan should be here soon” she said.

I don’t remember much beyond Dan and Anne arriving, and things starting to move faster. The procedure started in a blur and I could feel they were getting close. The dropped the blue curtain so Dan could see and announce the sex of the baby.
For months I prepped him that I wanted him to say, “We have a ____” not “It’s a ____” He had practiced and when the time came, he proudly announced, “Karin, we have a son!”
In my mind I thought, “Okay, a boy – that’s kinda what I thought” but my heart was saying “um…. Are you sure?”
Dan left to be by the baby’s side and came back about a minute later. He crouched by my head and said, “Actually, we have a daughter!”
As we learned, things happen fast in the OR, when you’re on an epidural you’re also on IV fluids and everyone is a bit extra swollen, and sometimes the umbilical cord is between the legs and certain baby parts are swollen too and new dads get confused – even our nurse and doula thought BOY too!
Anyways – eventually I got to meet baby girl after the new Daddy brought her over, dark hair, blue eyes and alllll squishy-perfect.

Cora June – you are such a joy. There are more parts of your first few days I hope to someday write out, but your birth will be one I will never forget. Thank you for joining our family – we love you June Bug!
xox, Mommy
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